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Dùin am bogsa sgrùdaidh seo.

Inneal Tòraidh Snàthainn MIR

MIR inneal tollaidh dealbhan giollachd snàithlean

Modail: ME
stuth: stàilinn tungsten cruaidh
Riatanasan giullachd: giollachd / fuarachadh aig astar àrd
Stuthan iomchaidh: stàilinn gun staoin, stàilinn molltair, iarann ​​ductile, stàilinn alloy, msaa.
feartan: Sharp agus seasmhach, sùbailte airson an dà chuid cruaidh agus bog, crìochnachadh àrd, snasta uachdar

Clàr Mion-sgrùdadh Modail Inneal tollaidh

Fiosrachadh air bathar

MIR Thread Boring Tools

Bun-bheachd: MIR thread boring tools are specially designed for processing internal threads. They ensure the accuracy and quality of threads through precision grinding and design.

Cleachdaidhean: MIR thread boring tools are primarily used for processing small-diameter internal threads and are suitable for manufacturing a variety of precision mechanical parts in fields such as automobiles, aviation, and medical equipment.


  • Àrd mionaideachd: MIR thread boring tools can process high-precision internal threads to ensure that the size and shape of the threads meet design specifications.
  • Multiple Thread Types: They are capable of processing a variety of thread types, including standard and special threads.
  • Smooth Chip Discharge: The design facilitates smooth chip removal, enhancing processing efficiency.
  • One-Piece Boring Tool: Features a solid construction for durability.
  • Precision Grinding by Imported Machinery: Guarantees high accuracy of the tool tip angle and superior quality of the finished product.
  • Nano Coating: Offers wear resistance and durability, extending the tool's service life.
  • Calibration-Free Design: Allows for convenience and speed, boosting work efficiency.

Cuid de shònrachaidhean a Innealan tollaidh snàithlean MIR mar a leanas, faodar meudan eile a ghnàthachadh:


Inneal tollaidh snàithlean a-staigh dealbh mionaideach-2

Inneal tollaidh snàithlean a-staigh dealbh mionaideach-1

Inneal tollaidh snàithlean a-staigh dealbh mionaideach-3

-Inneal tollaidh snàithlean a-staigh dealbh mionaideach-4


Is e seo an ceann

Co-roinn gu

Rannsachadh a-nis

Feuch an cuir thu comas JavaScript sa bhrobhsair agad gus am foirm seo a lìonadh.

Co-cheangailte bathar